Surah Rahman Read Online Full with MP3, Wazifa’s – Islampak
Ar-Rahman is the Qur’an’s 55th Surah, with 78 verses (āyāt). Ar-Rahman (Arabic: ٱلرَّحْمَانِ, ar-raḥmān) means “Most Gracious or Most Merciful.”
The 1st verse of Surah Ar Rahman starts by saying, “The Most Beneficent.”
The opening formula that comes before all surahs, with the exception of Sura 9 (“In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy”), likewise uses the divine term “Ar-Rahman.”
Classification | Medinan |
Other Names | Most Gracious |
Position | Juzʼ 27 |
No. of Rukus | 3 |
No. of Verses | 78 |
No. of words | 352 |
No. of Letters | 1585 |
No. of Surah in Quran | 55 |
Themes of Surah Ar Rahman
- Divine Mercy: Surah Rahman mainly reminds us of Allah’s blessings by asking, “Which favors will you deny?”
- Creation and Signs: Emphasizes creation to demonstrate the might and wisdom of Allah.
- Gratitude and Denial: Emphasizes the consequences of choosing to accept or reject Allah’s favors.
- Jinn and Humanity: Highlights the responsibility of humans and jinn.
Almost every verse in the Surah has a verse that says something.
فَبِاَىِّ اٰلَاۤءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبٰنِ
“Then which of your Lord’s blessings would you both deny?”
This surah beautifully describes Allah’s miracles, his characteristics of creating clay, and his maintenance of the universe’s balance.
Surah Rahman Online with Arabic Text
Surah Ar Rahman Qari Abdul Basit Mp3 Download
Benefits of Reading Surat e Rahman
Surah Ar-Rahman encourages us to remember that these kinds of divine favors are nothing to be disregarded. By rehashing, “Which it, of the Favors of your Lord, is, that you deny?” This Surah shows us that we should not disregard our Lord’s favors.
· Hadith from Jami At-Tirmidhi Book about Surah Rahman:
When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) read Surah ar Rahman to his companions, they were all at ease. He told them that he had gone to the jinn and read it to them and that they had responded well. Moreover, the jinn would respond when he read the passages that said, “And which of the favors of the Lord will you deny?”
‘There is nothing among your bounties that we can deny; all applause have a place with Allah.’
· Imam Bayhaqi (R.A.) wrote in Shuab Al Imaan:
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (R.A.) said that the Prophet (PBUH) stated, ‘Everything has an embellishment, and the decoration of the Qur’an is Surah Ar Rahman.’
· Hazrat Imam Jaffar (R.A) Said:
Hazrat Imam Jaffar (R.A.) declared that anyone who attempts to discuss this specific Surah (Surah Ar-Rahman) and fails miserably is regarded as a saint. What else is there for you in the Quran? This surah will ease your transition and safeguard you in your departure as well.
Different Wazaif from Surah Rahman
Best Wazifa to Cure Eye Disease: This Surah is a wonderful treatment for all eye diseases. Yes, even those who suffer from vision problems need to recite it daily; with Allah’s help, they will be able to distinguish between the two.
Wazifa for Marriage: This Surah will show you kindness, and, with the help of Allah Ta’ala, you will marry if you recite it every day for twenty-one days for yourself, your little girl, your sister, or anybody else who needs to get married. This Surah should be recited along with the Darood-e-Pak.
Wazifa for Various Patients: This Surah describes the path of action for all illnesses, including infections such as depression, diabetes, and hypertension, as well as more serious conditions like cancerous growths. It is implied that reciting Surah Rahman aloud is a way to manage psychological problems such as stress and depression, often with the ultimate goal of improving everyday functioning. Surah Rahman can be recited to cure any eternal infections.
Wazifa to treat your soul: If one listens to Surah Rahman’s Tilawat daily, it heals. After experiencing it, you will all feel brand new, and you will have incredible self-confidence.
Surah Ar Rahman’s Tilawat: The soul receives spiritual healing through Surah Rahman’s tilawat, which is available for free and without any effort on
Surah Rahman Translation in English
According to a hadith, ‘Surah Rahman is the decoration of the Quran.’ It reveals the depth of the divine and makes it a lovely surah. Learning about the Holy Qur’an is relatively easy; even if you don’t speak English, you can form an opinion by reading the English translation of Surah Rahman.
Surah Rahman Translation in Urdu
Muslims make up the majority of the 61 million or so people who are literate in Urdu. The Quran serves as Muslims’ moral compass. The Surah Rahman in Urdu translation is given on this page so that everyone can enlighten themselves with its spiritual lessons.
What is the story of Surah Rahman?
Ar-Rahman can be loosely categorized into three units based on its themes. Verses 1 through 30 describe occurrences in nature that demonstrate Allah’s benevolence and ability to bestow bounties upon those living on the planet. Verses 31 through 45 speak of the last judgment and the awful penalty meted out to those who sin.
What is the purpose of Surah Rahman?
Surah Rahman discusses the numerous bounties that Allah bestowed upon us and enlightens the reciter about the reality that many chose to reject. It makes us appreciate Allah for everything in life and draws us closer to him when it is read thoughtfully and from the heart.
Why is Surah Rahman called “the bride”?
This surah is renowned for its beautifully worded depictions of the natural world, the abundance of paradise, and the results of human behavior. Because of its engaging verses and rhythmic arrangement, it has been dubbed the “Bride of the Quran.”
What is Surah Rahman therapy?
The study’s conclusion is that Surah Rehman might be a useful non-pharmacological treatment for stress, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, studies have found that reciting or listening to Surah Rahman helps anxiety patients, and they notice the before-and-after situations as well.