
3rd Kalma Tamjeed: Arabic, English & Urdu Translations Explained

3rd kalma translation

3rd Kalma in Arabic


الْعَظِيْم‎‎ سُبْحَان اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُلِلّهِ وَلا إِلهَ إِلّااللّهُ وَاللّهُ أكْبَرُ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّهِ الْعَلِيِّ

Third Kalma English Transliteration

Subhaana-llaahi Walhamdu Lillaahi Walaaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wallaahu Akbar. Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi-l ‘Aliyyil ‘Azeem.

3rd Kalma in English Translation

“Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Him, and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or power except Allah, the Exalted, the Great One.”

Teesra Kalima in Urdu Translation

پاکی اللہ کے لئے ہے اور تمام تعریف اللہ کے لئے ہے اور اللہ کے سوا کوئی عبادت کے لائق نہیں اور اللہ ہی بڑا ہے طاقت اور قوت اللہ ہی کی طرف سے۔ (جو) بڑی شان اور عظمت کا مالک ہے۔


What is 3rd Kalima Tamjeed? Introduction

The six Kalima that complete the Muslim faith’s concept make up the religion of Islam. They are the First Kalima Tayyab, Second Kalima Shahadat, Third Kalima Tamjeed, Fourth Kalima Tauheed, Fifth Kalima Astaghfar, and Sixth Kalima Radde Kufr for short.

What is the Meaning of Tamjeed?

“Glory, Virtue or Greatness” is the literal meaning of the English term “Tamjeed.” The Third Kalima, on the other hand, showcases the magnificence and might of Allah, the only one who created and sustains this universe. The fundamental tenet of every Muslim is belief in and adherence to the Six Kalimas.

Impact Of Kalima Tamjeed In The Life Of Muslim

A Muslim who sincerely believes in Kalima Tamjeed aligns their activities with what pleases Allah, and by acknowledging Allah’s constant watchfulness, they avoid sin. Since the Third Kalima contains Allah’s (SWT) praises, reciting it provides serenity.

Actions are guided toward Allah’s pleasure via Kalima Tamjeed

Encourages avoiding sin by acknowledging Allah’s observant presence.

Peace is brought about by reciting the Third Kalima, which emphasizes Allah’s blessings.

Various Elements in Kalima Tamjeed The 3rd Kalma

With its four principal praises (Tasbih) that emphasize Allah’s perfection, greatness, and uniqueness, the Third Kalima Tamjeed is a profound expression of faith.

  • Subhan Allah: Announces the faultlessness of Allah.
  • Allahu Akbar: Confirms the omnipotence of Allah in the cosmos.
  • Thank you, Allah; acknowledge that all praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
  • The statement La ilaaha illa Allah affirms that only Allah deserves adoration.

What are the Benefits of Reciting Kalima Tamjeed?

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) says in Bukhari 7386 that states:

“لا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّهِ”

“La Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.”

This is one of the treasures of paradise, and Allah is near and sensitive to all petitions. This is what a man approached the Prophet (ﷺ) and said.

The Third Kalima is a way to ask Allah to protect you, as well as a way to underline the unity of Allah and His divine qualities.

  • Reaffirms the conviction that Allah is the only one and that He is sovereign.
  • Allah’s attributes include Al-Malikul Quddus (The Pure Sovereign) and Al-Aziz (The Mighty).
  • The recitation invokes the might and protection of Allah in the personas of Al-Jabbar (The Compeller) and Al-Muhaimin (The Protector).

Final Words on Kalima Tamjeed

Ultimately, adhering to and reciting the Third Kalima regularly should be a Muslim’s core belief if they wish to have their actions guided and obeyed correctly. It symbolizes that this world is ruled and controlled by a single, much higher authority who is superior to all majesties and rulers.

Also Read: 2nd Kalma in english


What is Kalima Tamjeed?

Declaring that Allah is deserving of all honor and glory, Kalima Tamjeed is an expression of praise for Allah. This maintains that Allah is the only god and that He alone is the source of all power and strength.

What The 3rd Kalima Conveys Us?

The power and splendor of Allah, the only one who is the Creator, Sustainer, and Holder of this universe, are reflected in the Kalima Tamjeed. He doesn’t require a helping hand or a partner. A believer can attest to Allah’s majesty and might through the Third Kalima. In addition to expressing Allah’s majesty, the phrases “SubhanAllah” and “Allah hu Akbar” highlight Allah’s glory and omnipotence.

What is the hadith about 3rd Karma?

A hadith states that third Kalima is an excellent medication that heals all ailments, with “Sorrow” (Gham) being the most severe minor ailment it can treat. The third chapter of the Qur’an is “Subhaan Allah, WalHamdo Lillah, Wa La illaha IlAllah, Wa Allah o Akbar.” Al Azeem, Wa Lahola Wala quwatta illa billah hilm.”

What is the importance of Kalimas?

A person can gain from the six Kalimas in a variety of ways. Reciting these Kalimas regularly is thought to promote spiritual development. Understanding monotheism, spiritual enlightenment, and the unity of Allah are all increased by reciting the Kalimas.

Muhammad Owais

Muhammad Owais is an Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia. Mashallah, he is a great Islamic content publisher who is currently working with us, spreading the light of Islam all over the world!

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  1. I just wanted to express my gratitude for this beautiful presentation of the 3rd Kalma. The clarity in both English and Urdu makes it so accessible to everyone, and it’s inspiring to see the emphasis on such meaningful teachings. Thank you for sharing this with the community!

  2. Thank you so much brother the way you explained all about 3rd kalma in english and urdu is just mind blowing mashallah. I wish you all the very best and keep doing this good work may allah pak give you more success!

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