Surah Al Ma’un Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah Al Ma’un Introduction: Those who reject the Hereafter are condemned in this Meccan Surah, which gets its name from the term “al-maun” in the last verse. It condemns their disregard for the poor and their lack of loyalty to Allah. The Prophet ﷺ is urged in the next Surah to continue being loyal to Allah and to share his sacrifices with others.

Surah Number 107
Meaning Acts of Kindness
Number of Ayaat 7
Revelation Place Makkah
Revelation Order 17
Rukūʿ 1 (Ayaah 7)
Hizb Break(s) 0
Juz / Paara Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-7)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) 7

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Surah Al Ma'un ayat 1 to 7

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Surah Al Ma’un English Translation:

1. Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense?
2. For that is the one who drives away the orphan
3. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
4. So woe to those who pray
5. [But] who are heedless of their prayer –
6. Those who make show [of their deeds]
7. And withhold [simple] assistance


“Al-maun,” which comes in the final verse, is the source of the Surah’s name.

Period of Revelation

Whether this Surah is Makki or Madani is a matter of debate. Given that it discusses the practice of hypocrites who prayed for the show, which was more prevalent in Madinah, some academics think it was revealed there.

Theme and Subject Matter

  1. It draws attention to the ethical ramifications of rejecting the Afterlife.
  2. Highlights that strong character is a result of believing in the Hereafter and describes the actions of hypocrites and disbelievers.
  3. People who deny the Hereafter and those who pretend to believe are contrasted in the Surah.



What are the benefits of Surah Al Ma’un?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al Ma’un are:

  • The significance of genuine kindness and charity is taught in Surah Al Ma’un.
  • It promotes modesty and moral conduct in day-to-day interactions.
  • The Surah serves as a reminder to believers to act in accordance with authentic Islamic principles.
  • It encourages making money in morally upright ways.
  • Surah Al Ma’un cautions against flaunting excellent achievements to seek others’ admiration.

What is the lesson of Surah Al Ma’un?

Two important principles are imparted by Surah Al Ma’un: charity and sincerity in prayer. It highlights that deeds like prayer and almsgiving should be performed to appease Allah rather than to win favour with others. Helping the destitute and impoverished is a part of true religion.

What is the meaning of Ma’un?

Ma’un means absolute quiet. In spiritual practice, it is known as ma’un, and some enlightened people value silence as a means of achieving divine communication.


Author’s Quotation:

“As you know, the Holy Quran is filled with teachings of moral lessons and kindness towards people, so another surah is on the same topic. Surah Al Ma’un teaches us the great lessons of generosity. When you start applying this in your daily life, you feel the difference between your changing soul, and you will start feeling more peaceful. When you believe the day after, you don’t do any bad to the society.”

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