
Surah Al-Infitar Translation in English & Urdu – سورة الإنفطار

Classification Meccan
Other names The Bursting Apart, The Cleaving Asunder, The Shattering, The Splitting, The Cataclysm
No. of verses 19
No. of words 81
No. of letters 334
Para / Chapter 30
No. of Surah in Quran 82nd

Surah Al Infitar with Introduction

The Quran’s 82nd sura, or “The Cleaving in Sunder” (Arabic: الانفطار, al-infiṭār), contains 19 ayats and is also referred to as “Bursting Apart” and “The Cleaving.” The term “unfatarat” appears in the opening verse of this chapter, which is why it is named “Al-Infitar.” The word “Infitar” means “split asunder”; in this chapter, it refers to the splitting of the sky on the Day of judgment, which is described by the word “Unfatarat.” The chapters At-Takwir, Al-Inshiqaq, and Al-Infitar comprehensively account for the “Day of Judgment.”

Ibn Umar told Imam Ahmad that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Said: 

“Whoever wishes to look at the Day of Resurrection, as if he is seeing it with this eye, then let him recite: ‘When the sun Kuwwirat’ (At-Takwir) and ‘When the heaven is cleft sunder (Al-Infitar) and ‘When the heaven is split asunder (Al-Inshiqaq)’.”

Themes of Surah Al Infitar

  1. Everyone’s deeds will be made clear on the Day of Resurrection.
  2. People ought to consider Allah’s justice and creation.
  3. Allah’s kindness does not absolve anyone from His righteousness.
  4. Two angels perfectly record every person’s every move.
  5. There will undoubtedly be a Day of Judgment.
  6. While the wicked will suffer retribution in hell, the righteous will rejoice in paradise.
  7. On that Day, no one can make a move or offer assistance; only Allah has the authority to judge.

Surah Al Infitar PDF Download:

PDF files help protect and maintain accessibility. The Arabic translation of Surah Al-Infitarin is available at Islampak.com in PDF format. You can download Surah Al-Infitar’s English and Urdu translations from this page.

Surah Al Infitar arabic pdf – islampak.com

Surah Al Infitar arabic text by islampak.com

Surah Al-Infitar Translation in English  and Urdu Tarjuma

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

نمبر Arabic Text English Translation Urdu Translation
١ اِذَا السَّمَآءُ انۡفَطَرَتۡ When (all) the heavenly spheres will be split apart, جب (سب) آسمانی کرّے پھٹ جائیں گےo
٢ وَ اِذَا الۡکَوَاکِبُ انۡتَثَرَتۡ And when the planets will scatter, اور جب سیارے بکھر جائیں گےo
٣ وَ اِذَا الۡبِحَارُ فُجِّرَتۡ And when oceans (and rivers) will flood and overflow, اور جب سمندر (اور دریا) ابھر کر بہہ جائیں گےo
٤ وَ اِذَا الۡقُبُوۡرُ بُعۡثِرَتۡ And when graves will be overturned, اور جب قبریں زیر و زبر کر دی جائیں گیo
٥ عَلِمَتۡ نَفۡسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتۡ وَ اَخَّرَتۡ Then everyone will come to know what actions he sent forward and what he left behind. تو ہر شخص جان لے گا کہ کیا عمل اس نے آگے بھیجا اور (کیا) پیچھے چھوڑ آیا تھاo
٦ یٰۤاَیُّہَا الۡاِنۡسَانُ مَا غَرَّکَ بِرَبِّکَ الۡکَرِیۡمِ O man! What has deluded you concerning your Gracious Lord, اے انسان! تجھے کس چیز نے اپنے ربِ کریم کے بارے میں دھوکے میں ڈال دیاo
٧ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَکَ فَسَوّٰىکَ فَعَدَلَکَ (The One) Who created you, then shaped you aright, then brought about proportionate alteration in your constitution? جس نے (رحم مادر کے اندر ایک نطفہ میں سے) تجھے پیدا کیا، پھر اس نے تجھے درست اور سیدھا کیا، پھر وہ تیری ساخت میں متناسب تبدیلی لایاo
٨ فِیۡۤ اَیِّ صُوۡرَۃٍ مَّا شَآءَ رَکَّبَکَ He constituted you in whatever form He willed. جس صورت میں بھی چاہا اس نے تجھے ترکیب دے دیاo
٩ کَلَّا بَلۡ تُکَذِّبُوۡنَ بِالدِّیۡنِ That is the truth, (but) on the contrary, you deny the Day of Recompense, حقیقت تو یہ ہے (اور) تم اِس کے برعکس روزِ جزا کو جھٹلاتے ہوo
١٠ وَ اِنَّ عَلَیۡکُمۡ لَحٰفِظِیۡنَ Whereas there are guardian angels appointed over you, حالانکہ تم پر نگہبان فرشتے مقرر ہیںo
١١ کِرَامًا کَاتِبِیۡنَ (Who are) dignified, the scribes (writing the records of all your deeds). جو بہت معزز ہیں (تمہارے اعمال نامے) لکھنے والے ہیںo
١٢ یَعۡلَمُوۡنَ مَا تَفۡعَلُوۡنَ They know (all) those (actions) which you do. وہ ان (تمام کاموں) کو جانتے ہیں جو تم کرتے ہوo
١٣ اِنَّ الۡاَبۡرَارَ لَفِیۡ نَعِیۡمٍ Indeed, the truly good will be in the Garden of Bliss. بیشک نیکوکار جنّتِ نعمت میں ہوں گےo
١٤ وَ اِنَّ الۡفُجَّارَ لَفِیۡ جَحِیۡمٍ And surely, the evildoers will be in the (Blazing Fire of) Hell. اور بیشک بدکار دوزخِ (سوزاں) میں ہوں گےo
١٥ یَّصۡلَوۡنَہَا یَوۡمَ الدِّیۡنِ They will enter it on the Day of Rising, وہ اس میں قیامت کے روز داخل ہوں گےo
١٦ وَ مَا ہُم عَنہَا بِغَآئِبِیۡنَ And will never be able to absent themselves from it (Hell). اور وہ اس (دوزخ) سے (کبھی بھی) غائب نہ ہو سکیں گےo
١٧ وَ مَآ اَدۡرٰى کَمَا یَوْمُ الدِّی ۙنِ And what have you made out what the Day of Recompense is? اور آپ نے کیا سمجھا کہ روزِ جزا کیا ہےo
١٨ ثُمَّ مَآ اَدۡرٰى کَمَا یَوْمُ الدِّی ۙنِ So what have you learnt about what the Day of Recompense is? پھر آپ نے کیا جانا کہ روزِ جزا کیا ہےo
١٩ یَوْمَ لَا تَمِلکُ نَفْسٌ لِّنَفْسٍ شَيْئًا ۖ وَ الْأَمْرُ یَوْمئذٍ لِلّٰهِ It is the Day when no soul will own anything for any other soul, and the command on that Day will be entirely Allah’s. (یہ) وہ دن ہے جب کوئی شخص کسی کے لئے کسی چیز کا مالک نہ ہوگا، اور حکم فرمائی اس دن اللہ ہی کی ہوگیo

Benefits of Reciting Surah Al Infitar 

  • No Curtain

The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 

“Whoever frequently recites Surah Infitar in their prayers will have no barrier between them and Allah on the Day of Judgment. Allah will protect them from humiliation when their book of deeds is opened.”

  • Continuous Presence

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (Radi allahu tala anhu) said: 

“Those who recite Surah Infitar and Surah Inshiqaq in prayers, imagining them as if present before their eyes, will remain in continuous presence with Allah, without any hindrance, until all their accounts are settled.”

  • Prisoner’s Freedom

Preparing and carrying Surah Infitar aids in a prisoner’s early release and protects them from harm.

  • Forgiveness of Sins

Reciting Surah Infitar can bring forgiveness even if one’s sins are as many as raindrops, according to the narration of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (Radi Allahu tala anhu).

  • Healing Eyes

Breathing gently into the eyes while reciting Surah Infitar promotes healing and clearer vision.

  • Accepted Wishes

Seven repetitions of Surah Infitar aid in accepting individual prayers, or hajaat.

Surah Al Infitar With Urdu Translation

You can read the Surah Al Infitar in Urdu by clicking this link. The eighty-second surah of the Holy Quran is Surah Al Infitar, a Makki surah. Alternatively, click the download button below to get Surah Al Infitar in PDF format with an Urdu translation. Alternatively, you can click the social network icons to share it on the platform of your choice.

Surah Al Infitar Translation in English

There are nineteen verses in Surah Al Infitar. The Holy Quran’s Chapter 30 has it. You can read Surah Al Infitar online using the English translation provided above.


What does Infitar Mean?

The word “Infitar” means “split asunder,” in this chapter, it is used to depict the splitting of the sky during the day.

What is the reason for the revelation of Surah Al Infitar?

Surah Infitar’s main theme is the Day of Judgments, which includes events leading up to and during it, such as the end of the world, the fates of good and evildoers, the recording of deeds, and subjects like man’s conceit and, in contrast,

Is there any Hadith about Surah Al Infitar?

Jabir Narrated:

“Muadh stood up and prayed Isha’ and made it lengthy. 

Our Beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: 

‘Do you want to cause hardship to the people, O Mu’adh; do you want to cause hardship to the people, O Mu’adh? Why didn’t you recite ‘Glorify the Name of your Lord Most High’ (Al-Ala or Ad-Dhuha) or ‘When the heaven is cleft asunder’ (Al-Infitar)?”

Muhammad Owais

Muhammad Owais is an Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia. Mashallah, he is a great Islamic content publisher who is currently working with us, spreading the light of Islam all over the world!

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