Surah At Tin Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah At Tin Introduction: Although many people denigrate themselves by doubting the Hereafter, this Meccan sûrah emphasizes how Allāh praises humans. The next sûrah mentions a known denier, Abu Jahl.

Surah Number 95
Meaning The Fig
Number of Ayaat 8
Revelation Place Makkah
Revelation Order 28
Rukūʿ 1 (Ayaah 8)
Hizb Break(s) 0
Juz / Paara Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-8)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) 7

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Surah At Tin Ayat 1 to 8


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Surah At Tin English Translation

  • By the fig and the olive,
  • And [by] Mount Sinai,
  • And [by] this secure city (Makkah),
  • Indeed, We created man in the best stature;
  • Then We return him to the lowest of the low,
  • Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted.
  • So what yet causes you to deny the Recompense?
  • Is not Allah the most just of judges?


At-Tin (The Fig), the surah’s first word, is the source of its name.

Period of Revelation

Because it refers to “this city of peace”—a reference to Mecca—the majority of scholars believe it to be a Makkan surah. Its manner aligns with early discoveries, emphasizing fundamental ideas without causing disagreement.

Theme and Subject Matter

In the Hereafter, the surah highlights both benefits and punishments.

  1. Allah created the best form of humanity.
  2. Some people use sin and unbelief to disgrace themselves.
  3. Others maintain moral integrity, reflecting their admirable creation.
  4. To ensure justice, the pious must be rewarded and wrongdoers punished.
  5. Allah, the Most Just, will judge everyone equitably.


What are the benefits of Surah At-Tin?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah At Tin are:

  • Perhaps alluding to the tree from Paradise or important places like Bethlehem and Jerusalem, Allah swears by the fig and olive trees.
  • Allah emphasizes the significance of the Sacred House in Mecca and Mount At-Tur, where Moses spoke to Him by swearing them.
  • Allah urged people to keep their monotheistic and religious nature for the afterlife, whether it be in Paradise or Hell when he created them.
  • Allah questions why, in spite of His bounties and obvious evidence, people stray from their innate faith.
  • Because Allah is just, everyone will be held responsible for their actions; the pious will be rewarded, while the immoral will be punished.

What is Surah At Tin good for?

Questions concerning life and the afterlife are addressed in Surah At Tin, which offers insight and direction. Reciting it offers benefits, fortifies faith, draws one nearer to Allah, and wins Allah’s affection.

What lessons do we learn from Surah At Tin?

We learn from Surah At Tin to trust in Allah and His prophets, do good deeds, and work toward self-improvement. Allah assures in this surah of Qur’an that those who live righteously and with faith that they will receive a steady recompense.

What places are mentioned in Surah At Tin?

Surah At Tin mentions:

  1. Prophet Issa (AS) was sent by Allah to Jerusalem, represented by the fig and olive.
  2. Allah spoke to Prophet Musa (AS) on Mount Sinai.
  3. Makkah is the city of security, where everyone entering is guaranteed to be safe.

    Author’s Quotation:

    “Surah At-Tin reminds me of the goodness present in every human. It’s just a matter of changing your perspective. Because when you see people with good eyes and never try to hurt anyone you will eventually get peaceful in life. So, after reading Surah At-Tin, I learned the lesson of treating every human equally and without any bad behavior. When you put the teaching of Allah in your life, everything becomes so smooth and peaceful.”

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