Surah Az Zalzalah Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah Az Zalzalah Introduction: According to this Madani surah, everyone’s actions shall be exposed and taken into account on Judgment Day. The following Surah also emphasizes this.

Surah Number 99
Meaning The Shaking
Number of Ayaat 8
Revelation Place Makkah
Revelation Order 93
Rukūʿ 1 (Ayaah 8)
Hizb Break(s) 0
Juz / Paara Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-8)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) 7

Surah Zilzal Arabic Text Image

Surah Az Zalzalah ayat 1 Surah Az Zalzalah ayat 2 to 8

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Surah Al Zalzalah English Translation:

  • When the earth shakes with its [final] earthquake
  • And the earth discharges its burdens
  • And man says, “What is [the matter] with it?” –
    That Day, it will report its news
  • Because your Lord has commanded it.
  • That Day, the people will depart [separated, one from another] to be shown [the result of] their deeds.
  • So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it,
  • And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.


Zilzal, which means “earthquake” in the first verse, is the source of the Surah’s name, Al-Zilzal.

Period of Revelation

Whether it was revealed in Madinah or Makkah is up for contention. While some scholars, like as Qatadah and Muqatil, consider it to be Madani, others, like Ibn Masud and Ibn Abbas, think it is a Makki surah. According to the content, it’s Makki.

Theme and Subject Matter

The display of deeds and the second life after death.

The land will bear witness to all activities, even the tiniest ones.

People will emerge from their graves on Judgment Day, and every action—good or bad—will be revealed in all its details.



What are the benefits of Surah Az Zalzalah?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Az Zalzalah are:

Believers are reminded of the Day of Judgment and the consequences of their deeds as they recite Surah Zilzal.

It acts as a prayer for defence against misfortunes and natural disasters.

The Surah inspires moral behaviour by promoting introspection about both good and bad behaviours.

Reciting it enhances one’s belief in divine justice and the afterlife.

It fosters a sense of obligation to the planet, which will bear witness to human actions.

What is the main idea of Surah Az Zalzalah?

The display of one’s actions in the Hereafter and life after death are the main topics of Surah Zilzal. The events of the Day of Judgment and the profound effects it will have on humanity are briefly described.

What is Surah Zilzal equal to?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) remarked that reciting Surah Zilzal equals half the Quran, highlighting its tremendous value.

What is the meaning of Zilzila?

“Zilzila” means “earthquake,” signifying the tremendous tremors and turmoil that will occur on the Day of Judgment.


Author’s Quotation:

“Reading Surah Az Zalzalah teaches us about the day of judgement. Because anything you do in this world, no matter how small or big, Allah is watching everything. So, if you want to be successful in this world and after this world, you have to submit your will to Allah. It motivates me to speak the truth and stay humble.”

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