Surah At Takwir Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah At Takwir Introduction: The apocalyptic events preceding the Day of Judgment are described in this Meccan Surah. It asserts that the Qur’an is Allah’s inspired word and highlights that everyone will suffer the consequences of their actions. Additionally, it refutes claims made by pagans that the Prophet ﷺ is insane.

Classification Meccan
Other names The Cessation, The Darkening,

The Rolling, The turning into a sphere

Position Juzʼ 30
No. of verses 29
No. of words 104
No. of letters 435

Surah Al Infitar Arabic Text Image

Surah At Takwir Ayat 1 to 17 Surah At Takwir Ayat 18 to 29

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Surah At Takwir English Translation:

  • When the sun is wrapped up [in darkness]
  • And when the stars fall, dispersing
  • And when the mountains are removed
  • And when full-term she-camels are neglected
  • And when the wild animals are gathered
  • And when the seas are set ablaze
  • And when the souls are paired
  • And when the infant girl is asked
  • For what sin she was killed
  • And when the scrolls are laid open
  • And when the heaven is stripped away
  • And when Hellfire is set ablaze
  • And when Paradise is brought near
  • A soul will [fully] know what it has brought [to itself].
  • So I swear by the retreating stars—
  • Those that run [their courses] and disappear—
  • And by the night as it closes in
  • And by the dawn when it breathes
  • Indeed, this is the word of a noble Messenger,
  • [Who is] possessed of strength and with the Owner of the Throne.
  • Obeyed and trustworthy.
  • And your companion is not mad.
  • And he has already seen Gabriel in the clear horizon.
  • And Muhammad is not witholding [knowledge] of the unseen.
  • And it is not the word of a devil, expelled.
  • So where are you going?
  • It is not except a reminder to the worlds.
  • For whoever wills among you to take a right course.
  • And you do not will except that Allah wills—Lord of the worlds.


The Surah is named after the term “kuwwirat,” which means “folded up,” and appears in the opening verse.

Period of Revelation

This Surah was revealed early in Makkah because of its content and manner.

Theme and Subject Matter

  1. The Hereafter: Describes the stages of Resurrection, such as natural disasters and the reunion of souls and bodies.
  2. People will face consequences for their acts, and Heaven and Hell will be revealed.
  3. The Surah supports the Prophet ﷺ, emphasizing that he is a noble and trustworthy messenger sent by Allāh, and encourages people to listen to his message.




What are the benefits of Surah At Takwir?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah At Takwir are:

  • Surah Takwir assists people in seeking Allah’s mercy during difficult times.
  • Reciting it on a regular basis protects you against problems and calamity.
  • It raises spiritual awareness by reminding people of the transience of life and the afterlife.
  • Its profound verses encourage faith by demonstrating Allah’s majesty and the Day of Judgment.
  • It provides consolation and calm by reminding believers of Allah’s dominion over everything.

How Often Should One Recite Surah At Takwir?

It is suggested that you recite Surah Takwir on a regular basis, particularly during prayers and times of sorrow.

Can Surah At Takwir Help in Overcoming Fears?

Yes, its vivid depictions of Allah’s strength and justice assist in calming concerns by reminding believers of divine sovereignty.

What does Takwir Mean?

Takwir (تكوير) refers to rolling up or wrapping anything, such as a turban. Surah Takwir uses it symbolically to indicate the darkness that will surround the light when Qayyarah approaches.

What Makes Surah At Takwir Unique?

Surah Takwir’s dramatic picture of the Day of Judgment distinguishes it, providing a vivid reminder of the afterlife.


Author’s Quotation:

“If you find this world permanent or the end of possibilities, then you have to read Surah At Tawkir. However, in this Surah you will learn the power of Allah Almighty and this world’s nature. Meanwhile, it warns me about the day of judgement, and everything we do here will result in either heaven or hell. Also, the last events which will occur in this world before its destruction are mentioned in Surah At Tawkir. Whenever I read this Surah, I renew my faith and make it more strong.”

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