
How to Pray Salatul Istikhara Dua in 5 Simple Steps!

Dear brothers and sisters, Today I want to talk to you about a very important practice in our faith: Salatul Istikhara. How to pray istikhara Namaz? This special prayer helps us seek guidance from Allah when we face decisions in our lives. Let’s go through the steps together in a simple and clear way.

Step 1: Wudu

First, we need to prepare ourselves.

  • Make Wudu: Start by performing ablution (wudu). This is essential because we want to be in a state of purity when we pray.
  • Find a Quiet Place: Choose a clean and quiet spot to pray. It’s best if you can face the Qibla, which is the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.

Step 2: Setting Your Intention

Next, we need to make our intention, or niyyah.

  • Intend to Pray: In your heart, make the intention that you are going to perform two rakats of Salatul Istikhara. You can say to yourself:

“I intend to pray two rakats of Istikhara for guidance from Allah.”

Step 3: Performing the Prayer

Now, how to pray istikhara namaz? Let’s move on to the actual prayer.

  • Start with Takbir: Begin by saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) to start your prayer.
  • Recite Surah Al-Fatiha: After this, recite Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran.
  • Add Other Surahs:
    • In the first rakah, after Al-Fatiha, you can recite Surah Al-Kafirun.
    • In the second rakah, again recite Al-Fatiha, followed by Surah Al-Ikhlas.
  • Complete Your Rakats:
    • Go into Ruku (bowing) and say “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” (Glory is to my Lord, the Most Great).
    • Perform your first sajdah (prostration), saying “Subhana Rabbiyal Aa’la” (Glory is to my Lord, the Most High).
    • Sit briefly in Jalsa (the sitting position) before going into your second Sajdah.
    • Finish both rakats and conclude with Tasleem by saying “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” to your right and then to your left.

Step 4: Reciting the Dua Istikhara in Arabic

After you finish praying, it’s time for the dua. Raise your hands and sincerely say:

Dua Istikhara by

Step 5: Reflecting After Your Dua

Now that you’ve made your dua and waiting for istikhara signs, it’s important to reflect.

  • Trust Allah’s Wisdom: Remember that Allah knows what is best for us. Sometimes guidance comes as a feeling or an inclination towards one choice over another.
  • Be Patient: Don’t rush; sometimes it takes time for Allah’s guidance to become clear. Keep making dua regularly.

Salatul Istikhara Dua with English Translation

“O Allah, I seek Your guidance through Your knowledge, and I seek strength through Your power. I ask You for Your great bounty. You have power, and I do not; You know, and I do not; You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter (mention what you are deciding about) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and my affairs, then decree it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. But if You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion, my livelihood, and my affairs, then turn it away from me and turn me away from it; decree for me what is good wherever it may be and make me content with it.”

Dua Istikhara in Urdu Translation

اے اللہ! بے شک میں تجھ سے تیرے علم کے ساتھ بھلائی طلب کرتا ہوں اور تجھ سے تیری قدرت کے ساتھ طاقت طلب کرتا ہوں اور میں تجھ سے تیرے فضل عظیم کا سوال کرتا ہوں کیونکہ تو قدرت رکھتا ہے اور میں قدرت نہیں رکھتا ، تو جانتا ہے اور میں نہہیں جانتا اور تو غیبوں کو خوب جانتا ہے۔ اے اللہ اگر تو جانتا ہے کہ بے شک یہ کا م (اس کام کا نام لے) میرے لئے میرے دین ، میرے معاش اور میرے انجا م کار کے لحاظ سے بہتر ہے تو اس کا میرے حق میں فیصلہ کر دے اور اسے میرے لئے آسان کر دے ، پھر میرے لئے اس میں برکت ڈال دے اور اگر تو جانتا ہے کہ بے شک یہ کام (اس کام کا نام لے) میرے لئے میرے دین، میرے معاش اور میرے انجام کارکے لحاظ سے برا ہے تو اسے مجھ سے دور کر دے اور مجھے اس سے دور کر دے اور میرے لئے بھلائی کا فیصلہ کر دے جہاں بھی وہ ہو ، پھر مجھے اس پر راضی کر دے ۔

A Few Extra Tips

  • Make It a Habit: Try to perform Istikhara whenever you have decisions—big or small. It brings blessings into our choices.
  • Be Sincere: Approach this prayer with sincerity and an open heart; Allah loves when we genuinely seek His help.
  • Accept Whatever Happens: Whatever outcome comes from your decision, accept it as Allah’s will without regret or doubt.

Insha’Allah (God willing), by following these steps with sincerity and faith, you will find guidance in your decisions through this dua for guidance in Islam. May Allah bless us all with wisdom and clarity in our choices!



What is the Best Time for Istikhara Prayer?

The ideal time for Istikhara is during the last third of the night. This is a blessed time when Allah’s mercy is abundant, and our prayers are more likely to be accepted. Many prefer to pray Istikhara after Isha as part of their nightly worship.
You can also perform dua Istikhara before important decisions or events, such as a job interview or choosing a spouse. While it’s best to avoid times when prayer is not allowed—like during sunrise, sunset, or when the sun is at its zenith—you can still pray Istikhara if you urgently need guidance.

How to know if Istikhara is negative or positive?

To understand if your Istikhara is positive or negative, look for signs in your life. If things start to become easier and you feel a sense of inclination towards a particular choice, that is a sign that it may be good for you. Allah opens doors and facilitates paths when something is meant for you.

Can I do Istikhara on my period?

Yes, dear sisters, you can perform Istikhara while on your period. Although some scholars advise against praying during menstruation, Istikhara is a dua for guidance and does not require formal prayer. You can still make the dua sincerely from your heart and seek Allah’s guidance in your matters.

Muhammad Owais

Muhammad Owais is an Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia. Mashallah, he is a great Islamic content publisher who is currently working with us, spreading the light of Islam all over the world!

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