Surah Al Burooj Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah Al Burooj Introduction: This Meccan Surah denounces the pagans’ persecution of Christians in Najran during 524 CE. It promises the believers a tremendous reward in Paradise and threatens the persecutors with burning torture. It also highlights the divine character of the Qur’an and the strength of Allah.

Classification Meccan
Other names The Constellations, The Galaxies, The Zodiacal Signs
No. of verses 22
No. of words 109
No. of letters 469

Surah Al Burooj Arabic Text Image

Surah Al Burooj Ayat 1 to 7 Surah Al Burooj Ayat 8 to 22

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Surah Al Burooj English Translation:

  • By the heaven containing great stars,
  • And [by] the promised Day,
  • And [by] the witness and what is witnessed,
  • Cursed were the companions of the trench—
  • The fire full of fuel,
  • When they were sitting near it
  • And they, to what they were doing against the believers, were witnesses.
  • And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy,
  • To whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And Allah, over all things, is Witness.
  • Indeed, those who have tortured the believing men and believing women and then did not repent will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning.
  • Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great success.
  • Indeed, the seizure of your Lord is severe.
  • Indeed, it is He who originates and repeats.
  • And He is the Forgiving, the Loving,
  • Owner of the Throne, the Glorious,
  • Doer of what He intends.
  • Has the story reached you of the armies—
  • Of Pharaoh and Thamud?
  • But those who disbelieve are in denial,
  • And Allah encompasses them from behind.
  • No! It is a glorious Qur’an,
  • [Inscribed] in a preserved tablet.


The opening verse’s use of the phrase “al-Buruj,” which translates to “the towering heavens,” is the source of the Surah’s name.

Period of Revelation

revealed at Makkah when the Muslims were being severely persecuted by the unbelievers, who were attempting to drive the new converts from Islam.

Theme and Subject Matter

  1. Tyrants are forewarned that persecuting believers will result in harsh punishment.
  2. Comfort for Believers: Remind them that they will receive a huge reward in Paradise if they continue to be firm.
  3. The Ditch’s People’s Story: A historical lesson on persevering through persecution and having faith in Allah’s might.
  4. God’s Power: The Qur’an is unaltered, and the unbelievers are reminded that they cannot break free from God’s control.



What are the benefits of Surah Al Burooj?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al Burooj are:

  • The lesson of Surah Al Burooj is to maintain your faith in the face of adversity.
  • It provides consolation to the oppressed and serves as a reminder that those who oppress will be held accountable.
  • It promotes asking for pardon and having faith in Allah’s kindness.
  • It links believers with anecdotes of bravery and faith from the past.
  • It encourages thankfulness in times of ease and patience in difficult times.
  • It provides consolation and healing when spoken during difficult times.

What time is best to recite Surah Al Burooj?

Although it can be said at any time, it is advised to do it after Fajr or before bed.

How often should I recite Surah Al Burooj for maximum benefits?

It is best to recite it every day or every week to continuously reap its benefits.

Is Surah Al Burooj only for certain situations?

No, Surah Burooj has spiritual and protective virtues that allow you to recite it at any moment.

Can Surah Al Burooj help with mental health?

Yes, saying it can promote inner serenity, ease tension, and lessen anxiety.


Author’s Quotation:

“If you want to strengthen your faith in Allah Almighty and want to learn His Justice, you can read Surah Al Burooj. However, it also focuses on the concept of Paradise and Hell, which is the worst place to be in. This Surah inspires us to have patience and survive these few years of life in this temporary world and, in the end, enjoy the pleasures of heaven. “


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