Surah Al Alaq Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF
Surah Al Alaq Introduction: According to this sûrah, revelation began when the angel Gabriel told the Prophet ﷺ to read in spite of his lack of literacy when he appeared to him in the Cave of Hira. Some academics connect Isaiah 29:12 to this incident. The subsequent verses were revealed to caution Quraysh leader Abu Jahl against doing damage to the Prophet ﷺ.
Surah Number | 96 |
Meaning | The Clot |
Number of Ayaat | 19 |
Revelation Place | Makkah |
Revelation Order | 1 |
Sujood (al-Tilaawah) | 1 (Ayaah 19) |
Rukūʿ | 1 (Ayaah 19) |
Hizb Break(s) | 0 |
Juz / Paara | Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-19) |
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) | 7 |
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Surah Al Alaq English Translation
- Read in the name of your Lord who created –
- Created man from a clinging substance.
- Read, and your Lord is the most Generous –
- Who taught by the pen –
- Taught man that which he knew not.
- No! [But] indeed, man transgresses
- Because he sees himself as self-sufficient.
- Indeed, to your Lord is the return.
- Have you seen the one who forbids
- A servant when he prays?
- Have you seen if he is upon guidance
- Or enjoins righteousness?
- Have you seen if he denies and turns away?
- Does he not know that Allah sees?
- No! If he does not desist, We will grab him by the forelock –
- A lying, sinful forelock.
- Then let him call his associates.
- We will call the angels of Hell.
- No! Do not obey him. Prostrate and draw near [to Allah].
Alaq (Clot), which is referenced in the second verse, is the name of the sûrah.
Period of Revelation
The first five verses were revealed first, and verses 6–19 were revealed later when Abu Jahl resisted the Prophet ﷺ for praying at the Ka’bah.
Theme and Subject Matter
- Through the pen, Allah imparted knowledge to humanity.
- Abu Jahl threatened the Prophet ﷺ and resisted his prayers.
- Allāh cautions against injustice and conceit.
- It is submission to Allah that brings true dignity.
- Angels threatened to punish Abu Jahl if he persisted in his threats.
What are the benefits of Surah Al Alaq?
Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al Alaq are:
- “Bismillah” should be the beginning of every good activity in order to match actions with pure intentions and seek Allah’s blessings.
- Knowledge is valued in Islam, and believers are encouraged to seek it out and show respect for those who have it.
- Submission to Allah is symbolized by prostration, which strengthens one’s bond and loyalty to Him.
- A time of intimacy with Allah, prostration is perfect for asking for wisdom and submitting prayers.
- Living a good life with moral behavior, kindness, and fairness is encouraged by Surah Al-Alaq.
- Because of Allah’s omniscience, believers are reminded that He knows everything, which promotes honesty and responsibility.
- The Surah emphasizes human humility and exhorts believers to refrain from conceit and show compassion to others.
What is the main lesson of Surah Alaq?
According to Surah Alaq, knowledge, introspection, and noticing the miracles in everyday life are all ways to deepen and bolster one’s faith in Allah.
Why is Surah Alaq special?
The first five verses of Surah Alaq are regarded as the Quran’s first revelation, having occurred during Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) refuge in the Cave of Hira near Mecca in 610 CE.
What are the first five verses of Surah Alaq?
- In the name of your Creator, recite.
- Made man out of a solidified blood clot.
- Your Lord is the Most Generous; recite.
- Who imparted knowledge through writing.
- Taught a man things he was unaware of.
Author’s Quotation
“If you want to learn the lessons of humility and wisdom, you should read Surah Al Alaq. Meanwhile, I learned that all the wisdom in this world comes from Allah Almighty. This Surah teaches us the great messege and wants us to avoid arrogance and stay on justice. If you treat everyone with justice and equality Allah will never forget your good efforts. After reading this Surah, my faith in Allah became stronger.”