Surah Al Kawthar Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah Al Kawthar Introduction: When the Prophet ﷺ’s sons died, this Meccan Surah was revealed to console him during a trying period. Because he had no children, the unbelievers made fun of him and said his name would be forgotten. Today, nevertheless, the name “Muhammad” is the most often used, and the name of Al-‘Âṣ, who made fun of him, is hardly ever brought up.

Surah Number 108
Meaning The Abundance of Good
Number of Ayaat 3
Revelation Place Makkah
Revelation Order 15
Rukūʿ 1 (Ayaah 3)
Hizb Break(s) 0
Juz / Paara Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-3)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) 7

Surah Kawthar Arabic Text ImageSurah Al Khawthar ayat 1 to 3
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Surah Al-Kawthar English Translation:

  • Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar.
  • So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone].
  • Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off


“Al Kawthar,” the name of the Surah, is derived from the term “Al kawthar” in the first verse.

Period of Revelation

Although this Surah of Qur’an is usually regarded as Meccan, some scholars speculate that, depending on a certain story, it might actually be Madani. Nonetheless, the context and content of the Surah suggest that Makkah is where it was revealed.

Historical Background

The Quraysh rejected and ridiculed the Prophet ﷺ, claiming that because he had no sons, he would be forgotten. He was reassured by Surah Al Kawthar that his legacy would endure forever and that his opponents would be forgotten.

Theme and Subject Matter

  1. Carries the Prophet ﷺ through his hardships.
  2. Assures him that his legacy will last forever.
  3. Warns his opponents that they will ultimately lose.



What are the benefits of Surah Al-Kawthar?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al Kawthar are:

  • Allah bestows blessings and benefits upon those who recite Surah Al Kawthar.
  • Surah Al Kawthar can cure both mental and physical ailments.
  • It deepens believers’ faith and draws them nearer to Allah.
  • It offers defence against adversaries and harmful forces.
  • Its recitation brings prosperity and sustenance.

What is Surah Al Kawthar good for?

Allah’s protection of His servants and believers is symbolized in Surah Al-Kawthar. It represents Allah’s assistance to the Prophet and his companions, giving them fortitude, endurance, and assurances while forewarning adversaries of their impending doom.

What is the magic of Surah Al Kawthar?

It provides a defence against adversaries to recite Surah Al Kawthar. We are reminded to always put our reliance on Allah (Azza Wa Jal) as members of the Prophet’s Ummah, and Allah urges the Prophet (PBUH) to ask for His assistance.

Author’s Quotation:

“Life is full of challenges and hardships and sometimes hopelessness comes in our ways. So, to deal with that, you can read Surah Al-Kawthar because it will be helpful. Meanwhile, I learned the lesson of devotion and changed my mindset to believe in Allah’s plans and go with the flow. Don’t get too stressed, and move with strong steps.”


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