Surah Al-Masad Arabic, English and Transliteration with PDF

Surah Al Masad Introduction: Abu Lahab, the Prophet’s ⷺ uncle, resisted him and Islam, along with his wife Um Jamîl, was warned by this Meccan surah. The word from Surah Masad “Lahab” from the first verse is the source of the surah’s name.

Period of Revelation: The revelation took place when Abu Lahab was actively blocking the Prophet’s message.

Surah Number 111
Meaning The Flame
Number of Ayaat 5
Revelation Place Makkah
Revelation Order 6
Rukūʿ 1 (Ayaah 5)
Hizb Break(s) 0
Juz / Paara Juz 30 (Ayaat 1-5)
Manzil (⅐ of Quran) 7

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Surah Al Masad ayat 1 to 5

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Surah Al Masad English Translation:

1.May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.
2.His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained.
3.He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of blazing flame.
4.And his wife [as well] – the carrier of firewood.
5.Around her neck is a rope of twisted fiber.


  1. In contrast to other members of his kin, Abu Lahab defied Arab customs by opposing his nephew.
  2. He openly persecuted and ridiculed the Prophet ﷺ as part of his hatred.
  3. In other cases, he even hurt himself by forcing his sons to divorce the Prophet’s daughters.

Importance of the Condemnation

  • Because of his intense animosity, Abu Lahab was the only individual mentioned in the Qur’an for condemnation.
  • There is no indication in the surah that blood relatives are preferred in faith.
  • The surah openly denies that his acts showed intense animosity and had a detrimental effect on others.



What are the benefits of Surah Al-Masad?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al Masad are:

  • We are reminded of divine justice and the repercussions of disobeying the truth in Surah Al Masad.
  • It teaches that everyone is responsible for their deeds, according to Allah.
  • Its recitation serves as a warning against conceit, animosity, and hatred toward Islam and the Prophet (PBUH).
  • It exhorts believers to maintain their integrity in the face of criticism.
  • Those who are persecuted for their beliefs are encouraged by Surah Al Masad, who promises that truth will ultimately triumph.

What is Surah Al-Masad good for?

By confirming the miracle of the Quran and discouraging his detractors, Surah Al Masad aids the Prophet (PBUH). It highlights that Allah supports the Prophet and punishes those who mistreat him.

When to read Surah Al-Masad?

Reciting Surah Al Masad during prayer is acceptable.

What is the story behind Surah Al-Masad?

The afterlife fate of Abu Lahab and his wife is the main topic of Surah Al Masad, sometimes referred to as Surah Al-Lahab, which was revealed in Makkah. After Abu Lahab insulted the Prophet (PBUH), it was made public.


Author’s Quotation:

“Surah Al Masad plays an important part in teaching me that we should always stand with the truth. No matter how hard the consequences are, one cannot oppose the truth. Because Allah is true and he likes true people, we have to do the right thing. After reading this surah, I learned the importance of staying steadfast and true to everyone.”


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